B2B Technical Diagrams

The ask was to have something playful and bold, and modular so we could use bits and pieces of them on other tactics and brand assets. 

Collaborating with the illustrators at Heartbeat agency (based in Odessa, Ukraine), we walked through the intention and visual identity at Neo4j, to determine how to make these high level concepts digestible to consumers at any level. 

Lead UX/Visual Design, Art Direction, Design

Neo4j team members, Web team, Heartbeat Agency folks Artem Astakhov and rockstar Illustrator Kira Temirshina 

Old Diagrams

An audit of previous diagrams from Engineering teams were elaborate but difficult to read or understand without notes. 

There were opportunities to fix consistency, legibility issues and scale issues, as well as finding a style to fit both concrete and abstract models. 


Samples of discovery based on our Moodboard with Heartbeat. 

We outlined elements like: color, line weight and style, contour vs. value, isometric, color and font, abstract and material space, what elements we wanted in each diagram, depth, implied space, etc.


Side-by-side: Original and Revised Diagrams

Original Diagram "Data Ecosystem Integration"

This diagram leaned heavily on the use of logos, arrows and a venn diagram. Also important to retain were the containers and "ecosystem" of everything together. 

Revised Diagram "Data Ecosystem Integration"

Retained in the final diagram are the logo elements and directional flow, infused with Neo4j brand colors and a simplified logo stamp.

Original Diagram for "Graphs of Different Sizes"

The goal of the existing diagram is to show growth and scale. While it does that, it is over explained with the key.

Revised Diagram for "Graphs of Different Sizes"

Final diagram shows the growth of the model through color (an additional color for each size) and labels to explain the concept.

Original Diagram for "Autonomous Clustering"

Several models to explain how this feature helps disperse data from databases into servers of different kinds. They outline various flows, but have no concept examples.

Revised Diagram for "Autonomous Clustering"

Final diagram uses color and planes to explain the feature, as well as the labels "ME" (Middle East), "NA" (North America) regions for example of the data being dispersed. 

Using Format