Timelapse Video of Installation 

South Park 20th Anniversary
Shubert Alley Takeover

For the 20th Anniversary season premiere of South Park the task was to create a gigantic sidewalk print for Broadway's Shubert Alley in Times Square. It contained all the shows greatest characters, and visitors of Times Square interacted with it, it was the crest of the 360 campaign takeover. All assets built in Adobe CC, tactics in various platforms, retouching CaptureOne. I won the PromaxBDA North American Marketing and Design Award for this project. 

Design, Retouching, Production Ops Management

Catalyst/MTV Networks team, Viacom Inc., Comedy Central

The Ask

To create an alley-sized production file using all characters from the show "South Park" advertising the 20th Anniversary season. The advertisement was roughly 178 feet long by 36 feet wide and needed to be output very fast in 48 hours. This advertisement would be hosted in Schubert Alley, a walkway between two major Broadway theaters in Times Square. 


This advertisement needed to have all primary and secondary brand characters from the "South Park" show. After 20 years that meant we needed to feature about 300 characters on the piece. 

Since the characters were vector and the ad was so large, I began with a lo-fi collage, masking the characters so the software could manage them. I also built the file at 1/8th scale for the same reason.

Trim and bleed were included.

Since the ad was not a perfect rectangle, we measured the environment for the specs; accounting for vents and poles and placed die-cuts in the the comp for the printer.

Since the space was so large, we had to build the file in slices. Meaning, we built the entire ad and then cut it into 12 large pieces. There was a slight overlap in each piece for bleed, but we had to align each character meticulously to each slice.

Below is a walkthrough of the finished piece installed.

Walk through of Installation

Using Format